Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 8, 2015

Eco-friendly tour launched at Tram Chim National Park

According to Le Hoang Long, Director of the Tourism and EnvironmentalEducation Centre of Tram Chim National Park, it is an eco-friendly touras visitors will be able to enjoy a ride around the park on an electriccar and a solar-powered boat while making no engine noise that candisrupt the wildlife here.

The centre piloted the tour by using four electric cars, which can runat a speed of 30 kilometres per hour, and one 15-kilometres-per-hoursolar-powered boat. The boat was created by four local farmers living inThap Muoi district.

Solar-powered boat trip at Tram Chim National Park. (Photo:

The tour takes the visitors approximately 35 minutes and costs 700,000VND (about 31 USD) to serve a maximum of 12 people each round.

The centre plans to put into use other six solar-powered boats andtwelve electric cars in the coming time alongside several extra servicesto better serve travellers.

Established in 1985, the 7,313-hectare Tram Chim became a national park in 1998 and then the fourth Ramsar site in Vietnam.

The park’s plentiful green vegetation is inhabited by more than 130species of higher plants featuring six main types of floristicsocieties.

Water life in the park is also bustling seeing the presence of over 150species of freshwater fish, with some listed in Vietnam’s Red Book likeclown feather-back fish, common archerfish and giant barbs, nearly 180algae species, 26 epifauna species, 350 species of plankton and 34species of amphibian.

Tram Chim is home to 198 bird species, including 16 rare ones such asred-headed cranes, black-faced spoonbills, black eagles, great-billedherons and spotted-billed pelicans. It was recognised as an importantbird sanctuary in Vietnam.

The number of fauna and aquatic species in Tram Chim National Parksurpass those in other wetland reserves in the region, like Tra Sucajeput forest reserve in An Giang province and U Minh Ha National Parkin Ca Mau province.

In the dry season, canoes bring tourists to travel along small canalsfrom which they can spot 1.5-metre-tall cranes, herons with wings ofover one metre and long-necked darters seeking food.

Eco-friendly tour launched at Tram Chim National Park

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