The restaurant owners keep the traditional flavour of the Vietnamese Pho as if they were in their homeland.
Pho Bang in the US
The restaurant is located at Chinatown-the most crowded neighbourhood in New York City.
It is also listed as the best 10 Pho spots in New York City by Thrillist-a leading US food, drink and travel website.
According to the website, Pho Bang attracts visitors thanks to cheap price (about US$7-US$10 per bowl) with meaty and herbaceous flavour.
Customers can only pay an extra buck or two to request a super-sized bowl.
Maisond’Asie in Switzerland
Maisond’Asie (Asian House) has lured a huge number of international tourists and overseas Vietnamese living and working in the country.
The restaurant, located near the Geneva Train Station, is decorated with many Vietnamese traditional musical instruments.
Each bowl costs 17 francs (VND400,000).
Little Saigon in RoK
Little Saigon is one of the first spots in Seoul to serve Pho.
The service is friendly, abundant and responsive even on busy Saturday afternoons. Waiters stand around waiting to help at any time.
The price of each bowl is around 8,000-12,000 won (VND150,000-VND230,000).
Restaurant An in Australia
The restaurant serves traditional Vietnamese rice noodle soup, northern style -Vietnamese Pho which is prepared with rice noodles topped with beef or chicken, fresh picked herbs and bean sprouts.
Each bowl costs AUD18 (VND 300,000).
Renowned Vietnamese Pho restaurants in foreign countries
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